Kjell Gustafson's homepage - Professional background
Since the summer of 1990 I have lived in Sweden and until April
2012 worked part-time at Acapela Group Sweden AB, which develops text-to-speech synthesis systems (previously known as Infovox AB, which was once a division of
Telia Promotor AB, which no longer exists as a company), and, until
2012, at the Department of Speech, Music and Hearing, KTH,
Stockholm, working as a linguist-phonetician at both places.
My research interests in the past twenty-odd years have focused on
phonetic and phonological aspects of linguistics, especially prosody,
including the structure of poetic metre (metrics). More and more I have concentrated on the interface between fonetics/phonology and speech technology, especially speech synthesis. I have also done
work on aspects of syntax, especially the structure of subordinate
Last updated November 3, 2009.
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