Kjell Gustafson's publications
Single-author publications:
Gustafson, Kjell
Metrics, phonetics, Classics:
Gustafson, Kjell (1983). "Final monosyllables - why Elision?" Symbolae Osloenses, Vol. 63, 39-62. Download scanned pdf copy here.
Gustafson, Kjell (1986). "Aspiration and voicing assimilation". Progress Reports from Oxford Phonetics, Vol. 1: 46-54.
Gustafson, Kjell (1987). "The OUPL Phonetology archive". Progress Reports from Oxford Phonetics, Vol. 2: 43-46.
Gustafson, Kjell (1987). "A new method for displaying speech rhythm, with illustrations from some Nordic languages". In: K Gregersen and H. Basbøll (eds.): Nordic Prosody IV, Odense: Odense University Press, pp. 105-114. Download scanned pdf copy here.
Gustafson, Kjell (1987). Elementær akustikk for lingvister. = Universitetet i Bergen, Institutt for fonetikk og lingvistikk. Skriftserie, Nr. 29, Serie A.
Gustafson, Kjell (1987). "Variabilitet i realisasjonen av r i norsk". In: Fordypningskomponenten 1988. Artikkel-pensum til forprøven i fonetikk og lingvistikk ved Universitetet i Bergen.
Gustafson, Kjell (1988). "The graphical representation of rhythm". Progress Reports from Oxford Phonetics, Vol. 3: 6-26. Download scanned pdf copy here.
Gustafson, Kjell (1991). "The Prosody of Norwegian News Broadcasts". In: O. Engstrand, Catharina Kylander & M. Dufberg (eds.): Papers from the Fifth National Phonetics Conference held in Stockholm, May 29-31, 1991. University of Stockholm, Institute of Linguistics, =Perilus XIII, pp. 49-52.
Speech synthesis:
Gustafson, Kjell (1988). "Elementer av et norsk tekst-til-tale-system, noen problemer - og mulige løsninger", Norsk Lingvistisk Tidsskrift, 6, 105-114.
Gustafson, Kjell (1989). "Some innovations in a Norwegian text-to-speech system", STL-QPSR 1/1989, pp. 81-85.
Joint-author publications:
Speech synthesis, phonetics, prosody:
Ayers G, Bruce G, Granström B, Gustafson K, Horne M, House D & Touati P (1995). "Modelling intonation in dialogue". In: Elenius K & Branderud P (Eds.), Proc of XIII Intl Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 95), pp. 278-281. Stockholm. Bell L, Gustafson K, House D & Johansson L (1999). "Children's evaluation of prosody in speech synthesis for an educational computer program". In: Proc. Fonetik 99, Department of Linguistics, University of Gothenburg, pp. 19-22.
Bell L, House D, Gustafson K & Johansson L (1999). "Child-directed speech synthesis: evaluation of prosodic variation for an educational computer program". In: Proc. Eurospeech '99, Budapest, pp. 1843-1846.
Bertenstam J, Granström B, Gustafson K, Hunnicutt S, Karlsson I, Meurlinger C, Nord L, Rosengren E (1997). "The VAESS communicator: a portable communication aid with new voice types and emotions". Proceedings Fonetik '97 (=Reports from the Department of Phonetics, Umeå University, 4), 57-60.
Bruce G, Granström B, Gustafson K & House D (1991). "Prosodic Phrasing in Swedish". In: Working Papers, Lund University, Dept. of Linguistics and Phonetics 38, pp. 5-17.
Bruce G, Granström B, Gustafson D & House D (1991). "On prosodic phrasing in Swedish". Perilus, Institute of Linguistics, University of Stockholm, XIII, 35-38. Bruce G, Granström B, Gustafson K & House D (1992). "Aspects of prosodic phrasing in Swedish". In: Ohala J. J, Nearey T. M, Derwing B. L, Hodge M. M & Wiebe G. E. (Eds.), ICSLP 92 Proceedings, pp. 109-112. University of Alberta, Canada. [pdf] Bruce G, Granström B, Gustafson K & House D (1993). "Interaction of F0 and duration in the perception of prosodic phrasing in Swedish". In: Granström B & Nord L (Eds.), Nordic Prosody VI, pp. 7-22. Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist and Wiksell International. Bruce G, Granström B, Gustafson K & House D (1993). "Phrasing strategies in prosodic parsing and speech synthesis". In: Proc of Eurospeech '93, 3rd European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, pp. 1205-1208. Berlin, Germany. [pdf] Bruce G, Granström B, Gustafson K & House D (1993). "Prosodic modelling of phrasing in Swedish". In: House D & Touati P (Eds.), Proc. of an ESCA Workshop on Prosody, pp. 180-183. Lund, Sweden. Bruce G, Granström B, Gustafson K & House D (1993). "Phrasing strategies in prosodic parsing and speech synthesis". STL-QPSR 2-3/1993, pp. 31-40. [pdf]
Bruce G, Granström B, Gustafson K, House D & Touati P (1994). "Modelling Swedish prosody in a dialogue framework". In: Proc ICSLP 94, 1994 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Yokohama, Japan, 3: 1099-1102.
Bruce G, Granström B, Gustafson K, House, D & Touati P (1994). "Preliminary report from the project, 'Prosodic Segmentation and Structuring of Dialogue'". In: FONETIK '94, Working papers from the 8th Swedish Phonetics Conference, Lund, Sweden, 34-37.
Bruce G, Granström B, Filipsson M, Gustafson K, Horne M, House D, Lastow B & Touati P (1995). "Speech synthesis in spoken dialogue research". In: Pardo JM et al., eds., Proc of the 4th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH'95), Sept 1995, Madrid, 2: 1169-1172.
Bruce G, Granström B, Gustafson K, Horne M, House D & Touati P (1995). "Towards an enhanced prosodic model adapted to dialogue applications". In: Dalsgaard P et al., eds., Proc of ESCA Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems, May-June 1995, Vigsø, Denmark, 201-204.
Bruce G, Filipsson M, Frid J, Granström B, Gustafson K, Horne M, House D, Lastow B, Touati P (1996). "Developing the modelling of Swedish prosody in spontaneous dialogue". In: Proc. of ICSLP 96, Vol. 1, Philadelphia, pp. 370-373.
Bruce G, Frid J, Granström B, Gustafson K, Horne M & House D (1996). "The Swedish intonation model in interactive perspective". In: Proc of Fonetik 96, Swedish Phonetics Conference, Nässlingen, May 1996. TMH-QPSR, KTH, 2/1996: 19-22.
Bruce G, Frid J, Granström B, Gustafson K, Horne M & House D (1996). "The Swedish intonation model in interactive perspective". TMH-QPSR, 37(2), 019-022. [pdf] Bruce G, Frid J, Granström B, Gustafson K, Horne M & House D (1996). "Prosodic segmentation and structuring of dialogue". TMH-QPSR, KTH, 3/1996: 1-6.
Bruce G, Frid J, Granström B, Gustafson K, Horne M & House D (1996). "Prosodic segmentation and structuring of dialogue". In: Proc Nordisk Prosodi VII. Joensuu, Finland. Bruce G, Filipsson M, Frid J, Granström B, Gustafson K, Horne M, House D, Lastow B & Touati P (1996). "Developing the modelling of Swedish prosody in spontaneous dialogue". In: Proc of ICSLP 96, pp. 370-373. [pdf] Bruce G, Filipsson M, Frid J, Granström B, Gustafson K, Horne M & House D (1997). "Global features in the modelling of intonation in spontaneous Swedish". In Proc of ESCA Tutorial, Athens, Sept 1997.
Bruce G, Filipsson M, Frid J, Granström B, Gustafson K, Horne M & House D (1997). "Text-to-intonation in spontaneous Swedish" (Proc. Eurospeech 97, Patras, Greece).
Bruce G, Granström B, Gustafson K, Horne M, House D & Touati P (1997). "On the analysis of prosody in interaction". In: Sagisaka Y, Campbell N & Higuchi N, eds. Computing Prosody. Computational Models for Processing Spontaneous Speech. New York: Springer, 1997; 43-59.
Bruce G, Frid J, Granström B, Gustafson K, Horne M & House D (1998). "Prosodic segmentation and structuring of dialogue". In: Stefan Werner (ed.): Nordic Prosody. Proceedings of the VIIth Conference, Joensuu 1996. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Bruce G, Filipsson M, Frid J, Granström B, Gustafson K, Horne M & House D (2000). "Modelling of Swedish Text and Discourse Intonation in a Speech Synthesis Framework". In: Botinis A, ed. Intonation. Analysis, Modelling and Technology, Dordrecht 2000: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 291-320.
Carlson R, Gustafson K (2009). "Exploring Data Driven Parametric Synthesis". In: Fonetik 2009. Stockholm, Sweden.
Carlson R, Gustafson K & Strangert E (2006). "Cues for Hesitation in Speech Synthesis". In: Proceedings of Interspeech 06. Pittsburgh, USA.
Carlson R, Gustafson K & Strangert E (2006). "Prosodic Cues for Hesitation". Working Papers, Lund University, Dept. of Linguistics and Phonetics, 52, 21-24.
Carlson R, Gustafson K & Strangert E (2006). "Modelling hesitation for synthesis of spontaneous speech". In: Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2006. Dresden. Carlson R, Gustafson K & Strangert E (2008). "Synthesising disfluencies in a dialogue system". In: Nordic Prosody. Helsinki, Finland. Damper R I & Gustafson K (1997). "Evaluating the pronunciation component of a text-to-speech system". Speech and Language Technology (SALT) Club Workshop on Evaluation in Speech and Language Technology, Sheffield, UK, 1997, pp. 72-79.
Damper R I, Marchand Y, Anderson M J, Gustafson K (1998). "Comparative evaluation of letter-to-sound conversion techniques for English text-to-speech synthesis". Proceedings 3rd ESCA/COCOSDA International Workshop on Speech Synthesis, Jenolan Caves, Australia, 1998, pp. 53-58.
Damper R I, Marchand Y, Anderson M J, Gustafson K (1999). "Evaluating the pronunciation component of text-to-speech systems for English: a performance comparison of different approaches". Computer Speech and Language, Vol. 13 No. 2, April 1999, pp. 155-176.
Fant G & Gustafson K (1996). "LF-frequency domain analysis". In: Fonetik 96. Papers presented at the Swedish Phonetics Conference, Nässlingen, 29-31 May 1996 (=TMH-QPSR 2/1996), pp.135-138.
Fant G, Kruckenberg A, Gustafson K & Liljencrants J (2002). "A new approach to intonation analysis and synthesis of Swedish". In: Proc of Fonetik 2002, pp. 161-64. Stockholm.
Fant G, Kruckenberg A, Gustafson K, Liljencrants J & Botinis A (2002). "Individual variations in prominence correlates. Some observations from lab-speech. In: Proc. Fonetik 2003, pp. 177-180. Stockholm.
Granström B & Gustafson K (1987). "Toneme 1 1/2 in a Norwegian text-to-speech system". In: K Gregersen and H. Basbøll (eds.): Nordic Prosody IV, Odense: Odense University Press, pp. 181-190. Also in: STL-QPSR 4/1986, pp. 37-44.
Gustafson K & House D (1999). "Prosodic parameters of a "fun" speaking style". In: COST 258: The Budapest Meeting, COST Working Papers. Gustafson K & House D (2001). "Children's evaluation of expressive synthesis: A webbased experiment". In: COST258 Meeting. Prague. Gustafson K & House D (2002). "Prosodic parameters of a "fun" speaking style". In: Keller E, Bailly G, Monaghan A, Terken J & Huckvale M (Eds.), Improvements in Speech Synthesis, pp. 264-272. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Gustafson K & House D. "Prosodic parameters for a 'fun' speaking style". Chapter 26 in: E Keller, G Bailly, A Monaghan, J Terken and M Huckvale (eds.) Improvements in Speech Synthesis. 2001: John Wiley & Sons.
Gustafson K & House D (2001). "Expressive synthesis for children, a web-based evaluation". In: Karlsson A & van de Weijer J (Eds.), Papers from Fonetik 2001, pp. 50-53.
Gustafson K & House D (2001). "Fun or boring? A web-based evaluation of expressive synthesis for children. In: Proc of Eurospeech 2001, pp. 565-568. Aalborg, Denmark.
House D, Bell L, Gustafson K & Johansson L (1999). "Child-directed speech synthesis: evaluation of prosodic variation for an educational computer program". In: Proc of Eurospeech 99, pp. 1843-1846. [pdf] Lindström A, Ljungqvist M & Gustafson K (1993). "A modular architecture supporting multiple hypotheses for conversion of text to phonetic and linguistic entities". Proceedings Eurospeech '93, Berlin, Germany 21-23 September 1993, 2: 1463-1466.
Ljungqvist M, Lindström A & Gustafson K (1994). "A new system for text-to-speech conversion, and its application to Swedish". In: Proc. ICSLP '94, pp. 1779-1782. Yokohama, Japan. Wissing D, Gustafson K & Coetzee A (2000). "Temporal organisation in some varieties of South African English". In: Proc. Workshop on Black South African English, Intl. Conf. on Linguistics in Southern Africa, pp. 59-68). Cape Town, South Africa.
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