About Esperanto
The Esperanto language was created by the Polish eye specialist L. Zamenhof in the 1880's. Esperanto is felt by a number of people to be an answer to many of the communication problems created by the diversity of natural languages. Esperanto is characterized by a very high degree of regularity in grammar and word formation and is therefore considerably easier to learn than most natural languages. The word stock derives mainly from languages of Western Europe, very often utilizing roots occurring in more than one language, making it especially easy to learn for speakers of these languages. The language has several million speakers world-wide and functions as a "language link" between speakers of different languages - a means of communication between a Frenchman and a Russian, between a Chinese and a Finn, without any of them needing to know anything of each other's languages or of one of the more widely known, but also more difficult to learn, languages.Go to Kjell Gustafson's page about Languages
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